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!!!JSLS2007 The Ninth Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences (JSLS2007)


!!July 7, 2007 (Saturday)

!10:00-         Registration
!10:45-11:00    Opening Ceremony (C203)

 開催校挨拶(welcome address)
 宮城学院女子大学  (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University)
 学長 (President)
 吉崎泰博(Yasuhiro Yoshizaki)
!11:00-12:30    Oral Presentations (Sessions 1, 2, & 3)

::Session 1  Syntax [ENG] (K302)
 11:05-11:30   Non-movement and karari-musubi in Old Japanese
::Session 1  Syntax & Language Processing [ENG/JPN] (K302)             
:::Chair: Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)

 11:05-11:30   Non-movement and kakari-musubi in Old Japanese
               Janick Wrona (Kyoto University)

 11:35-12:00   Behaviors of a particle to
               Mitsue Motomura (Osaka University of Economics)
 11:35-12:00   統語的観点から見た英文ライティングにおけるポーズ位置の分析: 

 12:05-12:30   A processing study of Japanese unaccusatives 
               Tomoko Monou (Keio University), 
               Masayuki Komachi (Keio University/Mie University) & 
               Yukio Otsu (Keio University)

::Session 2  Japanese as a Foreign Language [JPN] (K306)
:::Chair: Yasuhiro Shirai (University of Pittsburgh)
 11:05-11:30   中国語母語話者によるアスペクト形式「テイル」の習得過程:ロジスティック回帰分析を用いて」
               Chien Hui-Wen & 中村渉(東北大学)

 11:35-12:00   学習者の談話におけるジェスチャーによる指示対象の同定

 12:05-12:30   「形の共有化」と「内容の共有化」との創発??海外初級日本語教室の実践から
 12:05-12:30   「形の共有化」と「内容の共有化」との創発--海外初級日本語教室の実践から
                山本冴里(Institut de Management Europe-Asie)

::Session 3  Parent-Child Interaction [ENG/JPN] K209
::Session 3  Parent-Child Interaction [ENG/JPN] (K209)
:::Chair: Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)
 11:05-11:30   母子インタラクションに見る係助詞「は」の機能と発達

 11:35-12:00   母の言語入力変化の個人差と子どもにおける動詞の項の省略と
               語彙化のパターン  [JPN]
               加山裕子(マニトバ大学) & 平川眞規子(東京国際大学)

 12:05-12:30   An English-Japanese comparative study of clarification 
               responses of parent-child dyads [ENG]
               Mihoko Kubota (Tohoku Fukushi University)

!12:30-13:30       Lunch / JSLS Board Meeting

!12:30-13:30       Lunch / JSLS Board Meeting (C301)
!13:30-15:00       Plenary 1       [JPN](C203)
 Yasuhiro Ichida (National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)
 Title: 手話の言語学 ─言語の図像性をめぐって─
        Sign Language Linguistics: Iconicity in Language
        日本手話通訳付き(to be translated into Japanese sign language by a local interpreter)
 co-sponsored by  the Institute of Developmental Science and English Department
 Association of Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University
 Chair: Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)             
!15:10-16:40       Invited Symposium: The Origins of Language (C203)
 Kazuo Okanoya (Riken)
 Shigeru Watanabe (Keio University)
 Chair: Yukio Otsu (Keio University)

!16:50-17:50       Oral Presentations (Sessions 4, 5, & 6)

::Session 4   L2 Acquisition [JPN] (K302)
:::Chair: Yasushi Terao (University of Shizuoka)
 16:50-17:15   Neural plasticity for second language learning in the brain: 
                A longitudinal fMRI study 
               横山悟 (東北大学)、金情浩 (学術振興会/東北大学)、内田信也 (東北大学)、

 17:20-17:45   日本人英語学習者はどのように心的辞書に語彙を貯蔵しているのか?:派生接尾辞付き語の貯蔵

::Session 5       Discourse [ENG] (K306)
:::Chair: Kei Nakamura (Keio University)
 16:50-17:15   Half-Japanese girls’ideological dilemmas of“gaijin”discourses
               in a Japanese children’s book: Discursive psychology discourse analysis 
               Laurel Kamada (Aomori Akenohoshi Junior College)

 17:20-17:45   Female‘generational talk’in contemporary Japan: 
                A study from Aomori and Akita              
               Barry Kavanagh (Aomori University of Health and Welfare)
::Session 6   Language Development [ENG] (K209)
::Session 6   L2 Acquisition and Language Evolution [ENG] (K209)
:::Chair: Yuki Hirose (University of Tokyo)
 16:50-17:15   The ‘Poverty of the Stimulus’in L2 acquisition or the struggle 
                between (implicit) hypothesis-making and (explicit) reasoning
               Montserrat Sanz and Roger Civit  (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)

 17:20-17:45   First stages in the evolution of human language 
               Mike Dowman (University of Tokyo) 

!Reception (TBA)

! 18:30- Reception 
 Location: 仙台ロイヤルパークホテル ( Sendai Royal Park Hotel)
  Two shuttle buses will be arranged to take the participants to the hotel from the conference venue.
!!July 8, 2007 (Sunday)
!9:30-          Registration

!9:30-11:00     Oral Presentations (Sessions 7, 8, & 9)

::Session 7   English as a Foreign Language  [ENG] (K203)
::Session 7   English as a Foreign Language  [ENG] <<(K302)>>
:::Chair: Shunji Inagaki (Osaka  Prefecture University)
  9:30- 9:55   Simulated newscast for developing oral delivery and 
              question-and-answer skills  in the high school English classroom
               Miki Misumi (Hokkaido Sapporo Keihoku Commercial High School) & 
               Mandy Manning (Sapporo City Board of Education)

 10:00-10:25   Could learners’self-reflection on preparation for a vocabulary test 
               be a predictor for performance on the test?
               Manami Suzuki (Dokkyo University)

 10:30-10:55   A longitudinal study examining the effect of self-assessment among 
               young learners of English
               Yuko Goto Butler (University of Pennsylvania)

::Session 8   Psychological Perspectives [ENG/JPN] (K306)
:::Chair: Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)
  9:30- 9:55   Are young children better at representing false belief 
               in communication settings?−[ENG]
               Kensuke Sato (University of Tokyo/JSPS)

 10:00-10:25   1~4歳児の文末助詞「かな」の使用と理解 [JPN]
 10:00-10:25   1〜4歳児の文末助詞「かな」の使用と理解 [JPN]

 10:30-10:55   幼児による話し手の確信度の理解−文末助詞とイントネーションに示された手がかりから− [JPN]
               三浦優生 & 松井智子(京都大学霊長類研究所)

::Session 9   Semantics & Morphology [ENG] (K209)
:::Chair: Mineharu Nakayama (The Ohio State University)
  9:30- 9:55   The semantic evolution of EAT-expressions in Indo-Aryan languages
               Peter Edwin Hook (University of Virginia) & 
               Prashant Pardeshi(Kobe University)

 10:00-10:25   Constructing a Japanese word association database 
               Terry Joyce (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

 10:30-10:55   An investigation into the change in use of English articles and the
               implications for L2 attrition on young Japanese returnees.
               Michi Tomoda (University of Tokyo)

!11:00-12:30 Poster Presentations (C201前の廊下)
  1. (TBA)
  1. Perception of students and teachers in a Japanese language classroom in Singapore: 
    Its implications on classroom communication
     Lai Siew Hoon & Tomiko Kato (National University of Singapore) [ENG][Alternate]

  2. 統語的観点から見た英文ライティングにおけるポーズ位置の分析: 英語母語話者と日本人英語学習者の比較
     杉浦正利(名古屋大学)  [JPN]                  [Alternate]

  3. 日英語における連想と認識への一考察
  2. 日英語における連想と認識への一考察

  4. Metaphor and abstract concept understanding
  3. Metaphor and abstract concept understanding
     Lihan Pang (Meikai University) [ENG]

  5. Some thoughts on the syntactic mind/body problem
  4. Some thoughts on the syntactic mind/body problem
     Franklin Chang (NTT Communication Sciences Laboratories) [ENG]

  6. The influence of cases and word orders on Japanese relative clause attachment
  5. The influence of cases and word orders on Japanese relative clause attachment
     Yoko Nakano, Yoko Hirose, Masao Yamasaki, Hao Liu, & 
     Maki Nishiuchi (Kochi University) [ENG]

  7. Syntactic status of spatial terms in Japanese locative expressions
     Kaori Takamine (University of Troms&oslash;, Norway) [ENG]
  6. Syntactic status of spatial terms in Japanese locative expressions
     Kaori Takamine (University of Tromso, Norway) [ENG]

  8. 提示のthere構文
  7. 提示のthere構文


 10. 幼児における助詞「ハ」の獲得過程:共起語のカテゴリー頻度による解析
  9. 幼児における助詞「ハ」の獲得過程:共起語のカテゴリー頻度による解析
     橋本智也(大阪市立大学)& 天野成昭(NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所)

 11. Japanese EFL learners’ processing of English relative clauses: 
 10. Japanese EFL learners’ processing of English relative clauses: 
     Matrix VP processing and head determination
     Satoshi Morimoto & Kaoru Horie (Tohoku University) [ENG]

 12. 大学生の海外短期英語研修の成果?過去三年間のデータ検証
 11. 大学生の海外短期英語研修の成果 - 過去三年間のデータ検証

 13. Perception of students and teachers in a Japanese language classroom in Singapore: 
    Its implications on classroom communication
     Lai Siew Hoon & Tomiko Kato (National University of Singapore) [ENG]

 14. 台湾在住の国際結婚家庭の子どもの日中二言語習得における事例研究
 12. 台湾在住の国際結婚家庭の子どもの日中二言語習得における事例研究

 15. The relationship between years of formal schooling and verb diversity in 
 13. The relationship between years of formal schooling and verb diversity in 
     a narrative task performed by Spanish-speaking adults
     Peggy F. Jacobson (St. John’s University), Edith Tsouri (St. John’s University), & 
     Yesenia Phillips [ENG]

 16. An investigation of intercultural relationship of L1 and L2 and its effect 
 14. An investigation of intercultural relationship of L1 and L2 and its effect 
     on L2 language proficiency according to Persian learners’ attitudes
      Azadeh Nasri Nasrabady (Islamic Azad University of Abarkooh, Iran) & 
      Abbass Islami Rasekh (Isfahan University, Iran) [ENG]

 17. What is chutzpah?: Analyzing an Israeli cultural key term
 15. What is chutzpah?: Analyzing an Israeli cultural key term
     Yoshimi Miyake (Akita University) [ENG]

 18. Diplomatic discourse in terms of linguistics, translation and 
 16. Diplomatic discourse in terms of linguistics, translation and 
     intercultural communication
     Tatiana A. Volkova (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia) [ENG]

 19. Sinclair and Coulthard’s model of discourse analysis: IRF fit to a task-based lesson
 17. Sinclair and Coulthard’s model of discourse analysis: IRF fit to a task-based lesson
     John Gunning (Gifu Pharmaceutical University) [ENG]

 20. The refusing in communication- Sample of person you are not interested in
     Hsin-Yi Husng (Taiwan) [ENG]

 21. The difference between both sexes: Education and age on the value of reality 
 18. The difference between both sexes: Education and age on the value of reality 
     of compliments
     Chao-Chien Hsu (National Hsinchu University of Education)[ENG]

 22. A genre analysis of hotel overviews: Analysis of moves in overviews of 
 19. A genre analysis of hotel overviews: Analysis of moves in overviews of 
     different classes of hotels on the web
     近藤 雪絵(立命館大学)[JPN]

 23. 在米日本人が多く書き込む電子提示版における日本語の会話ストラテジー
 20. 在米日本人が多く書き込む電子提示版における日本語の会話ストラテジー
     田代健二 & 南雅彦(サンフランシスコ州立大学)[JPN]

!12:30-13:30        Lunch / JSLS General Meeting
!12:30-13:30        Lunch / JSLS General Meeting (C203)

!13:30-14:55       Oral Presentations (Sessions 10, 11, and 12)

::Session 10   Language Development [ENG] (K302)
:::Chair: Yuriko Oshima-Takane (McGill University)
 13:30-13:55   Attributive naming can promote young children’s acceptance of 
               alternative names for familiar objects
               Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)
               Harumi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Yasuda (Tokyo Denki University), & 
                Martin Doherty (Stirling University)

 14:00-14:25   Early verb representations: Learning meets parsing
               Sudha Arunachalam, Lila Gleitman, & John Trueswell 
                (University of Pennsylvania)

 14:30-14:55   Effects of early exposure to English on the development of 
               metalinguistic awareness in Japanese children
               Natsuko Katsura (Tohoku University/JST(RISTEX)),
               Takuya Goro (University of Maryland/JST(RISTEX)), 
               Noriaki Yusa (Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University/JST (RISTEX)),&
               Masatoshi Koizumi (Tohoku University/JST(RISTEX))

::Session 11   Discourse [JPN] (K306)
:::Chair: Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)
 13:30-13:55   例示表現:インタラクションとインフォメーションの観点から                                          
               ユキ・テイラー (UCLA)

 14:00-14:25   男性誌広告文の変遷
               三澤直美 & 南雅彦(サンフランシスコ州立大学)

 14:30-14:55   クメール語の命令表現に用いられる文末詞phoongとcoh

::Session 12   Phonology & Phonological Processing [ENG] (K209)
:::Chair: Yuko Goto Butler (University of Pennsylvania)
 13:30-13:55   Tongue-twister effects in the silent and oral reading of 
               Japanese sentences: An exploratory study
               Sachiko Matsunaga (California State University, Los Angeles) & 
               Timothy Vance (University of Arizona)

 14:00-14:25   Word minimality and the emergence of the unmarked in 
               Japanese loanword truncation
               Eddie Chih-jen Cheng (Jianguo High School)

 14:30-14:55   Four rules for Sino-Japanese numeral-counter pronunciation: 
               From phonological description to pedagogical application
               Takashi Matsuzawa

!15:00-16:30   Plenary 2 [ENG] (C203)
 Andrea Moro (University "Vita-salute" San Raffaele)
 The borders of Babel: The brain and the enigma of impossible languages
 Chair: Noriaki Yusa (Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University)   

!16:30-17:00   展望講演 Perspectives talk (C203)
 大津由紀雄 Yukio Otsu

!16:30-17:00   展望講演 Perspectives talk [JPN (with slides in English)] (C203)
 大津由紀雄 Yukio Otsu (慶應義塾大学 Keio University)
 Title: 言語科学の研究環境 
           Towards a Better Research Environmentfor Linguistics

 司会 白井恭弘 Yasuhiro Shirai
         Towards a Better Research Environment for Language Sciences
 Chair: 白井恭弘 Yasuhiro Shirai (ピッツバーグ大学 University of Pittsburgh)
!17:00-17:05   Closing Ceremony (C203)
Last Updated: June 6, 2007
Last Updated: July 5, 2007