!大会前日 [国際シンポジウム|http://www.jslsweb.sakura.ne.jp/jsls2012/wiki.cgi?page=JSLS2012&file=InternationalSymposiumOnLanguageProcessing%2Epdf&action=ATTACH] !!!International Symposium on Language Processing !Date: June 29, Friday, 2012 !Venue: 406 Liberal Arts & Sciences Main Building 4th F. <<(全学教育棟406)>> Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. *[The building B4(1) in the map.|http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/global-info/map/higashiyama/lang.html] !!Prof. Dr. Niels Schiller (Leiden University, the Netherlands) !13:00-14:10 Phonological encoding during speech production: Planning units and time course !14:20-15:30 Grammatical encoding in language production: Cross-linguistic evidence from gender processing !!Prof. Dr. Colin Phillips (The University of Maryland, U.S.A.) !16:00-17:10 Electrophysiology and linguistic architecture !17:20-18:30 Learnability and language processing ---- *Free admission: 参加自由・事前申し込み不要 *Organized by Katsuo Tamaoka, Ph.D., Nagoya University (ktamaoka@lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp) *名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科主催「国際的に活躍する心理言語学研究者養成プロジェクト」