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Next year, JSLS2013 will be held at:

Kwassui Women's University, Nagasaki, Japan

June, 28th (fri.) - 30th (Sun.), 2013

The 14th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2012)

JSLS2012 will be held at Nagoya University, Japan.
Nagoya University is conveniently located with an on-campus subway station, Nagoya University (Nagoya Daigaku) station on the Meijo Line. It is about 25 minutes by subway from JR Nagoya Station.

Conference Dates: June 30th (Sat.) and July 1st (Sun.), 2012

Venue: Nagoya University (Higashiyama Campus):

Conference Poster



 June 29th International Symposium on Language Processing (Pre-Conference Symposium)


 Plenary Speakers:

Prof. Niels Schiller (Leiden University, the Netherlands)

  • "Morphological encoding in language production: Behavioral, electrophysiological and functional imaging evidence"

Prof. Colin Phillips (University of Maryland, USA)

  • "What is a mental grammar?"

Prof. Mutsumi Imai (Keio University, Japan)

  • "Representation of sound symbolism in the mind and brain"

 Invited Symposium“Why do we study Japanese sentence processing? ”

Invited Speakers

  • Yuki Hirose (University of Tokyo) :"Encoding and decoding of wh-scope in Japanese from the perspective of incremental processing"
  • Hajime Ono (Kinki University):"Integration costs in the processing of Japanese wh-interrogative sentences"
  • Masako Hirotani (Carleton University) :"Rethinking the role of Broca's area in sentence processing"


 Access to Nagoya University (Higashiyama Campus):

From JR Nagoya Station (Nagoya Eki)

Site: Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University

 Call For Papers (CFP) Abstract due on Feb. 10th, 2012 Closed

 Conference Committee

Chair: Katsuo Tamaoka (Nagoya University, Japan)

Committee members
