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JSLS site?

 JSLS2014 successfully finished on June, 29th. Thank you very much for your active participation!!

 NEW Information on JSLS2015 will be announced on JSLS site? soon

The 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society。。for Language Sciences (JSLS2014)

 Conference Dates: 28th and 29th, June, 2014

 Venue:Bunkyo University, Koshigaya Campus, Saitama, Japan

 NEW Hotel Information

 Updated Program (Updated on May, 26th)

JSLS 2014 Program (updated 05-29-14).pdf(338)

  Conference poster



Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

 Plenary (Open Lecture)

Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)

  • Current Issues in Sign Language Linguistics: Syntax and Semantics
  • This is an open lecture with Japanese sign language translation. No pre-registration or payment is necessary.
  • NEW 要旨 Abstract (Dr. Matsuoka)

 NEW Presidential Address

Harumi Kobayashi

  Invited Symposium:Limited input in language acquisition: What role does limited input play in the language skills among returnees and language learners?

  • John Matthews (Chuo University。ヒ
  • Neal Snape (Gunma Prefectural Women's University。ヒ
  • Makiko Hirakawa (Bunkyo University)
  • NEW Symposium Abstracts

 NEW For Presenter

  Call For Papers (CFP) Abstract Closed

Please Click Call For Papers for more information.


  • Details for on-site registration 。ァClick [Registration].

  [Conference Committee

Chair: Makiko Hirakawa


  • Please contact us at jsls-conf@googlegroups.com